Christos Rozakis served the European Court and the former Commission of Human Rights for twenty-four years, first as a member of the Commission and later as a judge and Vice-President of the Court. On the occasion of his retirement, his colleagues, friends and collaborators wish to express their affection for him and honour his exceptional contribution to the construction of a European system for the protection of human rights.And this is the table of contents:
The theme chosen for this compilation of essays is the European Convention as a “living instrument” intended to be interpreted in the light of present-day conditions. This is how Christos Rozakis approached the text of the Convention during his career in Strasbourg. This approach is based on an evolutive interpretation of the articles of the Convention aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of human rights in modern European society.
The variety of issues linked to the dynamic method of interpretation of the Convention is reflected in the topics covered by the authors of the different contributions to this book. These original contributions, each dealing with an issue of topical interest, constitute a testimony to this person who has contributed in such an important way to the influence of the jurisprudence of the European Court.
• Dean Spielmann, Marialena Tsirli et Panayotis Voyatzis, Préface. Hommage au juge Christos L. Rozakis
• Jean-Paul Costa, Allocution pour le départ du juge Christos L. Rozakis
• Nicos C. Alivizatos, In Search of Legitimacy. A Retrospection of the Constitutional History of the Greek Monarchy
• Ireneu Cabral Barreto, Un bref regard sur le passé et un espoir pour l’avenir, La Commission, l’ancienne Cour et la nouvelle Cour
• Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade, The Expansion of the Material Content of Jus Cogens: The Contribution of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
• Olga Chernishova et Nina Vajic ́, The Court’s evolving response to the States’ failure to cooperate
• Vassilis Chirdaris, The limits of interpretation of the Strasbourg Court and the principle of non-regression
• Jean-Paul Costa et Michael O’Boyle, The European Court of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law
• P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, Vers la reconnaissance d’un droit d’accès aux informations détenues par les autorités
• Haritini Dipla, The contribution of the European Court of Human Rights to the absolute ban of torture. The practice of diplomatic assurances
• Nikos Frangakis, A State’s exceptional economic measures under the European Convention on Human Rights – The Case of the “Greek Memorandum”
• Erik Fribergh, The future of the Court after Interlaken
• Khanlar Hajiyev, The evolution of positive obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights – by the European Court of Human Rights
• Sverre Erik Jebens, Illegally obtained evidence in criminal cases. An Analysis on the Basis of Three Grand Chamber Judgments
• Danute Jocĭene, Administrative justice in Lithuania: some aspects from the perspectives of the European Convention on Human Rights
• Lucy Kiousopoulou, La dimension écologique de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme et les limites du contrôle juridictionnel
• Anatoli Kovler, Le message des Grecs (aux sources anthropologiques de la Convention européenne)
• Yannis Ktistakis, The protection of forum internum under article 9 of the ECHR
• George Letsas, Judge Rozakis’s Separate Opinions and the Strasbourg Dilemma
• Petros Liacouras, Protecting Minority Members in Greece: The View from Strasbourg
• Loukis Loucaides, A judge with a progressive mind
• Giorgio Malinverni, La compétence de la Cour pour surveiller l’exécution de ses propres arrêts
• Virginia Mantouvalou, Work and the European Convention on Human Rights: A dynamic Relationship in Need of Justification
• Paul Martens, Mémoires d’un juge ad hoc
• Egbert Myjer, One Salduz a Year is enough. 20 Associative Thoughts on Judge Rozakis, Judicial Activism and the Salduz Judgment
• George Nicolaou, The Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on Special Advocates
• Petros J. Pararas, La réticence européenne au regard des discriminations positives
• Dragoljub Popovic ́, The Role of Precedent in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights
• Guido Raimondi, Union européenne et Convention européenne des droits de l’homme après Lisbonne
• Emmanuel Roucounas, Dissenting Opinions in the European Court of Human Rights
• Linos-Alexander Sicilianos, The Individual as a Catalyst for Change in International Law: Interactions between General International
Law and Human Rights
• Vassilios Skouris, First thoughts on the forthcoming accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights
• Dean Spielmann and Leto Cariolou, The Right to Protection of Reputation under the European Convention on Human Rights
• Elisabeth Steiner, Some reflections on the process which led to the preparation of the European Convention on Human Rights
• Christian Tomuschat, Reparation Orders by International Human Rights Bodies – Financial Compensation or Restitutio in Integrum?
• Stavros Tsakyrakis, Is there a General Right of Non-Disclosure?
• Marialena Tsirli, Terre, Air, Mer : jusqu’où s’étend la juridiction des Etats dans le système de la Convention ? Quelques réflexions sur la compétence territoriale de la Cour
• Françoise Tulkens et Sébastien Van Drooghenbroeck, De l’ancienne Commission à la nouvelle Cour. Une continuité assurée, un héritage bienvenu
• Panayotis Voyatzis, Les effets des arrêts de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme dans le temps juridique. Les cas du revirement de jurisprudence et de la violation potentielle
• Ineta Ziemele, Other rules of international law and the European Court of Human Rights: a question of a simple collateral benefit?
The book can be pre-ordered now with the publisher. Hat tip to DS!
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