Monday 26 September 2011

Course structure and resources

Structure of the course:

This course will be structured around your writing projects. Our purpose here is to improve your thesis, dissertation, article, or proposal, and to improve your English-language writing skills in general.

Group 2 will meets each Tuesday from 14:30 s.t. to 16:00 in the COSB seminar room (UZA I, 2. Ebene, Spange 2).  

Group 1 meets on Tuesdays from 17:00 s.t. to 18:30 in the UZA I conference room (near the Althanstrasse entrance, next to the offices at the top of the escalator).

Evaluation is by continuous assessment, i.e. no exams. Your mark is based on attendance and participation, which will be documented by attendance records, completion of assigned exercises, and my assessment of your participation in the course.

Other resources:    

The American Heritage Guide to English Usage: online at  

EndNote, a commercial software package, is available through the ZID.
Online tutorials for learning about EndNote:

Other citation managers, some of which are supposed to be useable with OpenOffice:
Zotero, which is also a Firefox plugin and now works with MS Word:
Using JabRef with OpenOffice: 

The Nature Publishing Group's SciTable site has a resource for scientific communication:

Here is the UniVie webpage about student stipends:

The Art of Grantsmanship is a nice guide to writing grant proposals. Starting on page 7 is a helpful outline of proposal contents.

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