Sunday 6 March 2011

The Sunday Review 06/03/2011

With the weather in Kraków being a little ‘fresher’ than two recently chory little boys would like, here at the Article we decided to stay indoors and try to beat our record for building the tallest ramp for toy cars to zoom down and crash into Star Wars figures from.

Speaking of records, it’s been a record week for us too, with nearly 600 hits from visitors around the web, most of whom stopped by on Thursday after we posted on the forums of various translating sites around the web. We also rolled through February and into a new month, which for those of you unfamiliar with how the system works, means that our previous articles can now be found by clicking ‘February’ in the Archive tree on the right.

Some of those hidden treasures include part one of our ongoing series on becoming a translator (part two appeared on Friday), as well as an apparently thought-provoking look at some common formatting problems (the first of many more to come!). Some small tweaks to the appearance of the site also took place, including a new background image (with plenty of home-made ‘charm’), inspired by our loyal Nowy Targ agent, Sabina Ptas. Thanks Sabi!

Behind the scenes we moved closer to bringing you the first of our ‘celebrity’ interviews, as well as taking a significant step in terms of content distribution, or in other words, we’re posting one article a day now – wouldn’t want to impinge on anyone’s FaceBook time now, would we? ;)

Join us tomorrow as we fling ourselves with abandon at another exciting week of translating and interpreting fun!


Jim :-) 

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