Sunday 27 March 2011

The Sunday Review, 27/03/2011

A mixed week this one was; our translating rollercoaster went down, down the spiral of Missed Entries and climbed up, up to the heights of Guest Columnist. Personally, I really enjoyed being able to bring a different voice and a fresh outlook, particularly as it came from within your own ranks. There will be more, much more of that sort of thing. Unfortunately I’ve been so busy lately myself with the old eyeballing of words thing that I haven’t had time to send out my carefully-conceived-down-the-pub-after-three-G&Ts wywiady.

In other news, I fiddled around a bit back-stage and added some colourful buttons down the side, and an apparently non-functional FaceBook ‘Like’ button. I was assured we didn’t need an actual fan page for this, but oh well. At least I know how to do all that should the need, want or desire arise. What do you think, would it be cool/funny/life-enhancing to ‘like’ articles here that you, err, like?

Looking ahead, I can safely say we’re going to have more idioms, more formatting issues (seems to be a popular topic, the old formatting thing), and some more quiz work. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your weekend, and if you’re working now, powodzenia. :-)

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