Sunday 8 May 2011

The Sunday Review, 08/05/2011

Not much to report today. Been busy with the ol' freelance stuff, most of which has consisted of extracting images from Polish PDFs and applying a fresh coat of English to their labels and signs. Always good fun because it's quite relaxing. The key is to use programmes you're comfortable with, and NOT get suckered in on the ground floor by PhotoShop if you're new to image editing. A better option is to start here, with Paint Dot Net.

In other news, our friends over at the FaceBook group Tłumacze z polskiego report the sad demise of the University of Westminster's MA Conference Interpreting course. Happily though, they seem to be replacing it with MA Interpreting. At any rate, Westminster is a very good school for linguists, so if you're thinking of going abroad to continue your education in this kind of direction, give them a look, here.

Anyway, must dash. Rest assured that there will be a few interesting things coming up this week, new items that I've been working on itd itp. Also, don't forget to sign in with your Google or Gmail accounts if you want to comment. I am looking at the possibility of transferring to WordPress or something similar, but don't hold your breath.

In the meantime, goodnight and dobranoc. Jutro is Monday znowu, so we'll need all our strength!

Jim :) 

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