Thursday, 5 May 2011

The Top Five EN>PL Translation issues So Far!

Wow, what a week! Last Sunday seems like a long way away, and since then it’s been a non-stop Sajgon on all fronts – hence the lack of new material this week. So, in time-honoured tradition, it’s time to re-heat and re-serve some previous meals in the Bad Microwave. 

To this end, here are my top five issues that have featured on the blog so far. If you’re new to the Article, or have missed a few weeks etc, then just reading these five things will be a shot in the arm for your translating armoury. (Wow, talk about a mixed metaphor). 

Here we go then – five of the most thorny issues in PL>EN translation, as featured on the Bad Article so far (this doesn’t excuse you from reading everything else, top-to-bottom ;)

  1. Using in the case of, when in case of is what you want,
  2. Mixing up since and from when describing elapsed time,
  3. Over-punctuating around brackets,
  4. Using persons when people is more appropriate,
  5. Over- and mis-use of appreciate and cooperate.
I know it’s a bit tragic doing this kind of thing, but, it’s also quite useful. As our readership increases over time, it can be handy having a look back at previous work. Well, that’s how I rationalise it anyway. Don’t despair though, fresh bułki are on the way!

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