Ahh, Sunday. A time for rest and reflection after a busy 24 hours of hard-core raving and shape-throwing down the local meat market. When the dust has settled and the bacon has fried, it’s time to pour a hot black coffee and settle down with the ‘papers. After that, maybe a nice ramble over Hampstead Heath or, if that’s approximately 1,430 km inconvenient, a stroll around park Jordana* and a quick stop to tag the new Wisła stadium with some good old fashioned Cracovia graffiti. Or if the big breakfast and jug of coffee weren’t enough to motivate you, how about just relaxing here with me whilst we look back over the week gone by, and squint our eyes as we peer into the next seven days...
Wednesday the 23rd of February (note the dramatic inclusion of the and of in that date; two essential items for all but the most hide-bound legalese!) was the magic day that this wonky endeavour cracked open it’s bleary little eyes and squawked ‘mama’ for the first time. A triple bill featuring a welcome letter and introduction from yours truly, plus the first of many translating ‘items’ delivered this blog kicking and screaming into the world, followed by a quickly established pattern of one translating item in the morning and a feature article in the evening (or at night, depending on how soon I can find the keys to the drinks cabinet).
Here at the Article, we foresee weekends being a little quieter content-wise, with just our Sunday review and preview and perhaps a small morsel of interest on Saturdays to distract you from the usual weekend routine of sprawdzenia and crack cocaine.
Looking ahead into our cracked and oddly lumpen crystal ball, some very exciting things are looming out of the psychic fog. Negotiations are currently under way between Uncle Proofreader and a series of very different, very interesting translators and interpreters. Interviews are being planned, guest columnists approached (stealthily, and from behind), and soon other voices will be heard on this blog. An even bigger surprise awaits the loyal reader in March, as we debut an occasional series of new and exciting columns by friends of the Article. Perhaps you’ll be one of them? As always, all of your comments and opinions will be greeted with open arms, hugs, slaps on the back and a round of grilled cheese on toast by the fireplace. It doesn’t matter if you’re a brand new translator or even a slightly soiled one – there are no stupid questions and no boring ideas here, only interesting, friendly people who share a common goal.
There are many more exciting things afoot here, so stay tuned. Competitions, interviews and our usual blend of feature articles and spotlights on common En<>Pl translating mistakes are just the tip of the raspberry-flavoured iceberg!
Have a relaxing Sunday,
Uncle Proofreader. :-)
*Dr. Henryk Jordana was a doctor, yes. But what kind? First one to post the correct answer in the comments section wins a random book from Uncle P’s library!
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