Wednesday 23 February 2011

Welcome to the Bad Article!

Greetings traveller, pull up a chair and put your dogs up. Here, have some refreshments and rest a while. Allow me to introduce myself. My name's Jim and I'm an Englishman by birth (shh, don't tell anyone), although I've been living in Poland for the last eight years and I have no intention of leaving.

I work from home as a freelance proofreader and copy editor. I specialise in texts for computer and video games, as well as multimedia and technical documentation, although I’ve also ghost-written books for adults and children alike, and if I could remember even a tenth of what I’ve read, I’d probably be an expert on Polish history to rival Norman Davies. I also work mornings in a translating office in town, checking the PL>EN translations and advising, when requested, on the EN<>PL translating process. Through the office I used to run seminars on this subject too, and the notes and exercises I prepared for them partially form the basis for these blog posts. Mostly though, these blog posts are the result of a lifetime spent writing professionally, and at least ten years of working specifically with Polish translators.

At any rate, that’s pretty much me in a giant, unshaven nutshell. How about you? Please feel free to leave a comment; ask a question, raise an issue, make a point, or even – for bonus points – tell us a joke!

- Jim :-)

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