How does the European Court of Human Rights deal with issues of transitional justice? What effect do transitions in European states have on Strasbourg case-law and how does Strasbourg jurisprudence affect transitions from authoritarian rule and protracted conflict to democracy and peace? These are some of the key issues at the core of a collaborative project between dr Michael Hamilton, associate professor connected both to the Central European University in Budapest and the Transitional Justice Institute of Ulster University, and myself. The outcome of the research project is a co-edited book entitled
'Transitional Jurisprudence and the ECHR. Justice, Politics and Rights' which will appear with Cambridge University Press this autumn. It contains a wide range of interconnected chapters on freedom of religion, protection of property, non-discrimination, situations of emergency, and on the interplay of politics on the national level and the ECHR. The book will also include comparative chapters on how the Inter-American and African human rights systems have addressed transitions. All written by experts in their respective fields. For more information on the book's contents, look on SSRN
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