Sunday 3 April 2011

The Sunday Review, 03/04/2011

Another week goes by, and this time it drags a month off with it too. April greets us down here in Małopolska with warm, summery days that already see the parks filled with kids and sunglasses. Meanwhile, for some of us, work goes on...

But never mind, let's take a wee break and reflect a little. Here at the Article we had a pretty good week I think; only three posts since Monday, although on consideration, I think maybe three is enough. I had initially intended to do one every day. but after a week my friend pointed out that it was perhaps too much for most people to digest. I have to say he's probably right, so even after a few accidental misses recently, I'm thinking about a Monday, Wednesday, Friday format, with these informal meetings remaining on Sundays. Sound good?

In other exciting news this week, a friend of mine from my university days recently had her first book published. It's called You are Beautiful, and it's about how God can mend your broken heart and put a smile on even the most recalcitrant face (or something similar). If that sounds like your cup of tea, pop over here and have a look. Well done Dr. Joy, best of luck with that!

I also caught sight of another very interesting book in a recent copy of The Economist (far too businessy for me, but a visiting guest left it behind and I find it very good toilet-reading material ;). The Language Wars: A History of Proper English by Henry Hitchings is out now. The Economist's OP, which I thought was rather clever, goes:

"As everyone knows it is wrong to begin a sentence with 'and'. And a sentence cannot be grammatically correct without a verb. Ever. But where do such laws come from? Who institutes them, on what authority? Do such rules actually enhance the beauty and the meaning of the English language?" 

So if 416 pages of explanation and investigation behind the origins, uses and abuses of English light your fire, have a look at the page here - it also features an interesting video by the author. 

Righto then, back to the coal face. See you all tomorrow! :) 

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