Thursday 13 September 2012

Vintage Jelly Form Pincushion Free Tutorial By Karen Bailey of Todolwen Blog

I have a passion for pincushions and love seeing the millions of different pincushion creations there are on the web for them.  I thought I had seen just about every kind there was, but Karen Bailey surpised me with a wonderful tutorial on her Todolwen blog showing you how to make a vintage jelly form pincushion.  That's definitely one I haven't seen before.

Vintage Jelly Form Pincushion Tutorial

Copyright © 2012 - All Rights Reserved - Written by Karen Bailey of Todolwen Blog

Here's what Karen had to say about her tutorial:  At First Disapointed But Not Anymore ~ A New Tutorial - Hello my dear friends, I woke up at 6 am yesterday morning and since it was a grey and rainy morning and I had no intention to venture out of the house or wanted to spend my day tidying my craft room (I know I really should have), I decided I wanted to create a new tutorial for you in which I was going to recycle small tins. I sat down in my dining room at the big window for about 2 hours, wrote the instructions as a post, saved it and then worked on the actual creating part but unfortunately things just didn't want to look the way I had imagined them, so I gave up on the idea for the moment. Eventually I will return to it and work on it more another time. You never know, it might work out fine the next time round.

I must admit I was quite disappointed with myself that my idea didn't work, so I just had to try something different, hoping it would work out this time. The basic idea stayed the same but I decided to use different materials then I had chosen the first time and I think it worked out fine. So here is a new tutorial for you ...

... a vintage jelly form pincushion tutorial.

Please respect Karen's TERMS OF USE:  Please do not copy my tutorials in full and/or claim them to be your own and/or post them on your blog without my permission. Furthermore the sale of my tutorials is prohibited. All my designs are protected under copyright.

Karen's Bio: My name is Karen Bailey, and I am the wife for over 20 years to a now retired british serviceman and a Mum to two beautiful daughters. For many years we traveled and lived all over the world whilst serving in the army. After leaving the army we now live in Ontario, Canada. My passion is antiques, especially victorian unrestored furniture and household items and creating/crafting. For me there is nothing better when I have a moment to sit down and make something beautiful. My blog is 'Todolwen' which is an anogram made up from 'old to new' which is what I love to do ~ take something old and give it a new life. I hope you enjoy my makings as much as I enjoy creating them.

Copyright © 2012 - All Rights Reserved - Karen Bailey of  Todolwen Blog.

Please visit her Todolwen blog at

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