Wednesday 5 December 2012

Nutty Screws, Screwy Nuts

(Hopefully this doesn't completely break  the page)

Wow, new material on the Bad Article that isn't totally irrelevant to our purposes here! Well, I did say that although it was 'the end', we might still sometimes post new things. So, here we are.

Now then, I do see some confusion between what bolts and screws are, how they work, and how they're used linguistically. Russian seems to have a hard time doing this in English, but it's a universal problem. The words nut and screw also have loads of idiomatic meanings too, most of which are dirty, some of which are mentioned above. By the way, if you have any trouble reading the picture (!), I think you can click on it and see a larger version. Or, you could go and stare at it on our Facebook page where you'll definitely get a larger version.

Well, that's it for now. Back to work! Any questions, put them down below or over at BA HQ. :)

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